Coaching can be Transformational

Vijay Srinivasan
3 min readMar 20, 2021

Do coaching conversations help the coachee achieve what they want? Can coaching be transformational? Do these conversations make the desired shift within a person? I had these questions when I was undergoing my coaching training. And a bigger question emerged as to how can I help the coachee get what they want? With these questions lingering in my mind and apprehensions on my ability as a Coach, I stepped into a coaching conversation with my first coachee.

My first coachee was a lady who had completed her masters in law from a reputed institute in Mumbai. She had an engineering degree as well. She was struggling to get a good placement. And as a double whammy, the lockdowns due to Covid 19 made her job search even more difficult. She was struggling to get the interview calls. As it happens when things do not seem to be going your way, the person starts doubting their abilities. The self-esteem suffers. The negative records starts playing in your minds.

My first coachee started doubting her abilities, had low self-esteem and negative thoughts started crossing her mind. She started believing that she is not valued enough and will have to depend on others to fulfil her basic needs. She always wanted to be independent and earn money. That would have allowed her to spend it the way she wanted without guilt. As she was passing thorough these trying times, her brother convinced her to sign up for coaching with me.

On the designated day, I was all pumped up as well as nervous as this was my first coaching assignment. As we exchanged initial greetings, we came to the core of the coaching conversation.

I asked, what she wants to achieve through these sessions.

She replied, “How can I get a job?”

I asked “Why is job important to her”

She replied “An earning member is more valued”.

After uttering this sentence, she started crying profusely. I did not know how to react. I was getting anxious on what I need to do to steer this discussion forward. I tried to comfort the coachee and after a while when she was ready, we proceeded with conversation. I understood that “being valued” was the coachee’s inner calling.

She continued that with each passing day, her confidence is taking a hit and she is feeling low. Her body language reflected what she was feeling. We continued with the conversation for an hour and agreed on some action points to be completed before we meet the following week.

After the first conversation, the coachee felt light and a little confident in the following sessions. Over the course of the next 3 sessions, the coachee overcame her self-limiting beliefs and started to take actions. This led to positive developments in her life. By the end of fourth week she had 4 offers from various law firms. She narrowed down on one firm that could give her the career she wanted.

There was an excitement in her voice when she called me to inform of the job offer. She expressed her gratitude and thanked me for helping her with the possibilities through the coaching sessions. I asked her to donate some money to any cause that resonates with her as my fees, which she duly did after getting her first salary.

A couple of weeks back her marriage also has been finalized. Good news all around. Positivity has its ripple effects.

These conversations strengthened my belief that coaching can be transformational and can make the shift within a person in a very short period of time. Do let me know if you are struggling some aspects of your life and would like to take up to coaching sessions. Until we meet again, take very good care of you and your family.

